Together with happiness goes pain,
faithfully through Time.
Through harsh storms, mild west winds,
frightening worries, celebrations,
they wander side by side.
And where many tears fall,
many roses bloom too!
Already mixed, even before we ask,
pain and delight are in the draw
for thrones and for hovels.
Was it not so in the old year?
Will that stop in the new?
Suns shimmer up and down,
Clouds come and go again,
and no wish will turn them aside.
Then may the power over us
that weighs with true scales
give to each of us meaning in our joys,
to each of us courage in our grief,
in the new days,
May each one on the path of life
have a friend alongside,
a contented spirit
and with the silent kindness of the heart
hope as a companion!
--Johann Peter Hebel (1760-1826). Felix Mendelssohn wrote a melody for this poem.
Mit der Freude zieht der Schmerz
Traulich durch die Zeiten,
Schwere Stürme, milde Weste,
Bange Sorgen, frohe Feste
Wandeln sich zur Seiten.
Und wo manche Träne fällt,
Blüht auch manche Rose!
Schon gemischt, noch eh' wir's bitten,
Ist für Throne und für Hütten
Schmerz und Lust im Lose.
War's nicht so im alten Jahr?
Wird's im neuen enden?
Sonnen wallen auf und nieder,
Wolken geh'n und kommen wieder,Und kein Wunsch wird's wenden.
Gebe denn, der über uns
Wägt mit rechter Wage,
Jedem Sinn für seine Freuden,
Jedem Mut für seine Leiden
In die neuen Tage,
Jedem auf des Lebens Pfad
Einen Freund zur Seite,
Ein zufriedenes Gemüte
Und zu stiller Herzensgüte
Hoffnung ins Geleite!
This is a very poetic translation. I'm glad to have it, as I'm working on Mendelssohn's choral setting of the poem in one of my music courses. Have you considered submitting it to CPDL (the choral public domain library) so that others can use it? I'll post the link to the page below.
Thank you.
Posted by: Andrew Westerhaus | 13 January 2009 at 07:03
Thank you-- I didn't know about the CPDL. I've just submitted it.
Posted by: Sedulia | 13 January 2009 at 07:39
Thank you for this translation and original: what a lovely poem.
Posted by: rory | 23 December 2011 at 05:25