O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast created and redeemed me, and hast brought me into that which now I am; thou knowest what thou wouldst do with me; do with me according to thy will, for thy tender mercy's sake. Amen.
Let the light of truth, and the help of grace, be vital principles of action in us; that we may, in the time of life, attain the ends for which we live; and that our religion, which begins in knowledge, may proceed in action, settle in temper, and end in happiness: that we may make it the work and business of our lives, to reconcile the temper of our spirits to the rule of righteousness; and to incorporate the principles of religion into the complexion of our minds; that what we attribute to God, as his moral excellencies and perfections; we may propose to our selves, as matter of practice and imitation; (s)o that what is our best employment in this world, and will be our only employment in the next, may be our free choice, and our transcendent pleasure. Amen.
O Lord and King, who art full of compassion, God of the spirits of all flesh, in whose hand are the souls of the living and the dead, receive, we beseech thee, in thy great loving-kindness the soul of our brother who hath been gathered unto his people. Have mercy upon him; pardon all his transgressions; for there is none righteous upon the earth, who doeth only good, and sinneth not. Remember unto him the righteousness which he wrought, and let his reward be with him, and his recompense before him. Shelter his soul in the shadow of thy wings. Make known to him the path of life: in thy presence is fulness [sic] of joy; at thy right hand, bliss for evermore.
O Lord, who healest the broken-hearted and bindest up their wounds, grant thy consolation unto the mourners. Strengthen and support them in the day of their grief and sorrow; and remember them for a long and good life. Put into their hearts the fear and love of thee, that they may serve thee with a perfect heart; and let their latter end be peace. Amen.
—"A Hebrew Prayer for the Dead"