Women in fundamentalist Islamic countries are disappeared by their men, buried alive and swathed in black shrouds like mummies. Driven through Riyadh on the Friday I arrived, I saw no women in the streets anywhere. The Muslim holy day had turned the capital into a city of men....
Under the abaya, and behind the wooden screens and separate rooms in restaurants where women were relegated, even at McDonald's, I began to shrink into a passive, cowed creature, a second-class human in a world of men.
When I went to the coffee shop in our hotel with CNN
's Christiane Amanpour, and the waiter instructed us to go to a back room segregated for women and children, I meekly began to follow orders.
Christiane never looked up from her newspaper.
"Bugger off and bring us our coffee," she barked at the waiter. He knew the voice of authority when he heard it and scuttled off.
--Maureen Dowd in Are Men Necessary?
You are soo narrow minded. I feel ashamed that you post such utter crap. The abaya, is in our religion. The reason that women were hijaab & abayah, is because men think sick thoughts about women. I should might as well say something bad about your religion. Go research, before you write shit on your blog!!!
Posted by: None of your damn business | 27 May 2007 at 19:26
The religion of peace speaks again.
Talk about sick thoughts.
Posted by: Sedulia | 29 May 2007 at 09:14