Those with real power do not open their mouths, but they kill people....In nature it is also like this. When the hawk catches the sparrow, the hawk is silent. The sparrow shrieks little cries. When the cat catches the mouse, the cat is silent, the mouse squeaks. In the end, it is the one which opens its mouth who is eaten by the one that doesn't open its mouth. --Lu Xun (1881-1936), Chinese novelist, in a speech given in 1927
In 1956, Nikita Khruschev made his "secret" speech to the Soviet party congress, in which he strongly criticized Joseph Stalin and began to dismantle the Stalinist legend. He is said to have shocked the assemblage with his grim narration of Stalin's horrors and his statement that those responsible had to be held accountable.
At one point in the speech, a voice cried out: "And where were you, Comrade Khruschev, when all these crimes were being committed?" Khruschev paused, looked out over the hall, and in a thunderous voice demanded, "Who said that?" The hall was silent. Khruschev then called out, "Whoever said that, stand up." Again, no one moved. Then Khruschev looked in the general direction the voice had come from, and said, "Comrade, where you are now is where I was then." --The Road From Here, Senator Paul Tsongas (1941-1997)
Cet animal est très méchant. Quand on l'attaque il se défend. [This animal is very wicked. When it is attacked it defends itself.] --unknown French ca 1868
Es kamen zwei Soldaten und ergriffen mich. Ich wehrte mich, aber sie hielten fest. [Two soldiers came and seized me. I defended myself, but they held fast.--Franz Kafka (1883-1924), Fragments from Notebooks and Loose Pages
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. --Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) in a letter, 23 September 1800. This phrase is inscribed on the rotunda of the Jefferson Memorial.
If the stone fall upon the egg, alas for the egg. If the egg fall upon the stone, alas for the egg. --Proverb, probably Chinese: although also listed as Bulgarian, Chechen, Arab, and English.