A bhi gu dàna modhail, sin lagh na cuirte.
To be bold and courteous is the court rule.
A chuit de Phàras da!
His share of Paradise to him!
A’ cur a’ bhodaich as a thigh fhéin.
Putting the old man out of his own house.
A’ ghaoth ‘ iarraidh nam port.
The wind seeking harbors. [An unsteady wind]
A’ h-uile latha sona dhut, gun lath’ idir dona dhut!
Good luck to you every day, no day of sorrow to you.
A réir do mheas ort fhéin, measaidh càch thu.
As you value yourself, so others will esteem you.
Abair rium mu’n abair mi riut.
Speak to me ere I speak to thee.
Air cheart lomaidh, ‘ air éigin.
Very barely and with difficulty.
Air mhèud ‘ ge ‘m faigh thu gu math, ‘s lugaid a gheabh thu gu h-olc.
The more you find of good, the less you’ll get of ill.
Aithnichear air a’ bheagan ciamar a bhiodh am móran.
From the little may be seen what the big might have been.
Aithnichidh an truaighe a daoine fhéin.
Misery knows its own people.
Am fac thu rud ‘s a chùl riut?
Saw you aught with its back to you? [an unlucky omen]
Am fear a bhios modhail, bidh e modhail ris a’ h-uile.
A man who is courteous is courteous to all.
Am mìos buidh
The yellow month [July]
Am mìos dubh
The black month [November]
Am mìos marbh
The dead month [December]
Amas roghainn
Chance choice
‘An coinneamh roghainn
Facing choice [prepared for anything]
‘An déigh cogaidh thig sìth.
After war comes peace.
‘An déigh gaoithe thig uisge.
After wind comes rain.
‘An làrach nam bonn.
In the print of the soles.
An lon-dubh, an lon-dubh spàgach! thug mise dha coille fhasgach fheurach, ‘thug esan dhomh an monadh dubh fàsach.
The blackbird, the blackbird! I gave him a sheltered grassy wood, and he gave me the black desolate moor. [the invaders of Ireland]
An rud a’s éudar’s éudar e.
What must be must be.
An rud anns an téid dàil théid dearmad.
Delay brings neglect.
‘An rùn nam biodag dh’a chéile.
At daggers drawing.
An té a bhíos fial roinnean Dia leis.
God shares with the generous one.
An uair a thig an latha thig comhairle.
With [ the hour of] day comes counsel.
Ann am mullach nam meall.
At the top of the heights.
Ann an coileach an t-sruth.
In the eddy of the stream.
Athair na Dìlinn!
Father of the Flood!
Bàs an fhithich ort!
The raven’s death to you!
B’àluinn a’ ghnùis, na ‘m b’iulmhor am béus.
The face were lovely were the behavior good.
Bàthadh mór aig oirthir.
A great drowning near the land.
B’e sin an dà latha.
That were the change of days.
B’e sin an réul’s an oidhche dhoilleir.
That was the star in the dark night. [said ironically]
Beag àidh ort!
Small luck to you!
Bean fhada, chaol, dhìreach
A woman tall, slender, straight
Beannachd a shaoid ‘s a shiubhail leis! Bitheadh e ‘nochd far an robh e’n raoir.
Blessing of his state and his journey upon him! Let him be tonight where he was last night.
Beannachd dhut fhéin, ach mollacht do d’oid-ionnsachaidh!
Blessing to thyself, but a curse on thy teacher!
Beannachd ‘n an siubhal ‘s ‘n an imeachd! ‘s e ‘n diugh Dihaoine, cha chluinn iad sinne.
Blessing on their going and way! It is Friday, they won’t hear us. [about the Daoine-sidh, the fairies]
B’fhearr a bi gun bhreith na ‘bhi gun teagasg.
Better unborn than untaught.
B’fhearr a bhi sàmhach na droch dhàn a ghabhail.
Better be silent than sing a bad song.
B’fhearr Gaeilge briste na Béarla cliste.
Better broken Irish than perfect English.
Bha là eile ann.
There was a different day.
Bha ‘n t-àm ann.
It was high time.
Bha ‘n uair ‘g a ruith.
His hour was pursuing him.
Bha sid ‘an dàn da.
That was fated for him.
Bheirear comhairle seachad, ach cha toirear giùlan.
Counsel can be given, but not conduct.
Bi’d thosd ‘s ‘ad chuimhne.
Be silent and mindful.
Bi’d thosd ‘s bi’d chomaidh.
Be silent and take your share.
Bidh an osna dheireannach cràiteach.
The last sigh will be grievous.
Bidh gach ni mar is àill le Dia.
All will be as God wills.
Bidh meas air math ‘n a chaillear e.
The good is esteemed when lost.
Blàth nan diar mu’n tig an dìle.
The look of drops before the flood.
Bu dual da sin.
That was his birthright.
Cadal a’ chlàrsair: seachd ràidhean gun fhaireach.
The harper’s sleep: seven quarters of the year without wakening.
Cadal fada ri gaoith mhóir.
High wind and a long sleep.
C’àit’am biodh na puirt nach faigheadh na clàrsairean?
Where would the tunes be the harper could not find?
Car tuathal d’aimhleis ort!
The left-about unlucky twist to you!
Cha b’ann ‘an uchd a mhàthar a bhà e.
It was not in his mother’s lap he was.
Cha b’e an là am fear nach tigeadh.
The day will come, come who may.
Cha b’e sin an t-slighe ‘n dorus an tighe.
That was no indoor journey.
Cha bhi mo rùn ‘g am losgadh.
My desire [or secret] won’t consume me.
Cha bhi seana-ghlic òg tric fada beò.
The early wise soonest dies.
Cha bhi suaimhneas aig éucoir, no seasamh aig droch bheairt.
Wrong cannot rest, nor ill deed stand.
Cha b’uaill gun fhéum e.
That was no useless pride.
Cha bu leis a laidhe no ‘éirigh.
His lying down and rising up were not his own.
Cha bu shaoghal dhaibh am beatha tuille.
Their life were life to them no more.
Cha charaid ach caraid na h-airce.
The friend in need is the only friend.
Cha dhubh grian ‘s cha ghealaich uisg’ e.
Sun won’t blacken nor water bleach it.
Cha do chleachd am bodach bìodag.
The fellow wasn’t used to a dirk.
Cha do thréig Fionn riamh caraid a làimhe deise.
Fingal never forsook his righthand friend.
Cha dubhairt Dia na thubhairt thusa.
God has not said all thou hast said.
Cha duine duine ‘n a aonar.
A man alone is no man.
Chluinneadh e’m fiar a’fàs.
He would hear the grass growing.
Cho fad’s a bhios muir a’bualadh ri lic.
As long as sea beats on stone.
Cho geal ri sneachd na h’aon oidhche.
As white as the one-night’s snow.
Clanna nan Gàidheal ‘an guaillibh a chéile!
The clans of the Gael in each other’s shoulders!
Claoidhidh foighidinn mhath na clachan.
Patience will wear out stones.
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde.
Beware the anger of a gentle man.
Cuimhnich air na daoine bho’n d’tháinig thu.
Remember the people you came from.
Cuimhnichibhe air na daoine bho’n d’thainig sibh.
Cuir manadh math air do mhanadh, ‘s bidh tu sona.
Interpret good from your omen, and you will be lucky.
Cuiridh e teine ris na tobraichean.
He will set the wells on fire.
Cùl gaoith’ ‘us aghaidh gréine.
Back of the wind and face of the sun. [phrase in old stories, describing a pleasant retreat]
Dà dhiù, gun aon roghainn.
Two evils, and no choice.
Dà thrian buidhinn barant.
Assurance is two-thirds of success.
Dean àill de ‘n éigin.
Make a will of necessity.
Dean do shianadh bho ‘n Diabhol ‘s bho chlann an tighearna.
Save yourself from the Devil and the Laird’s children.
Deiseal air gach nì.
The sunward course with everything.
Dh’aithnichinn air do sheirc do thabhartas.
I would know your gift by your graciousness.
Dònall da fhéin.
Donald for himself.
Eadar dhà theine.
Between two fires.
Far an sàmhaich’ an t-uisge, ‘s ann a’s doimhn’e.
Where water is stillest it is deepest.
Fear nach tréig a chaileag, no ‘chompanach.
A man that won’t forsake his lass nor his comrade.
Fhuair thu fios an eagail.
You have learned what fear is.
Gach dìleas gu deireadh.
The faithful (the best loved) last.
Galar fada ‘ éug ‘n a bhun.
A long disease and death at its root.
Gaoth o’n rionnaig Earraich;
Teas o’n rionnaig Shamhraidh;
Uisg’ o’n rionnaig Fhogair;
Reothadh o’n rionnaig Gheamhraidh.
Wind from the Spring Star;
Heat from the Summer Star;
Water from the Autumn Star;
Frost from the Winter Star.
Ge cruaidh sgarachdainn, cha robh dithis gun dealachadh.
Though separation be hard, two never met but had to part.
Ge glas am fiar fàsaidh e.
Though gray the grass it will grow.
Gealach bhuidhe ne Feill-Mhìcheil.
The yellow moon of Michaelmas.
Ged nach bi mi bruidhneach, bidh mi coimheach, cuimhneach.
Though I won’t be talking, I’ll be shy and mindful.
Glas-labraidh air nighinn, gun fhios, teang’ an abhra ‘dh ‘iomraicheas.
When a maid is tongue-tied, her eyelids tell a tale.
Glòir nan càirdean a’s milse na ‘mhil.
The praise of friends is sweeter than honey.
Gu ma fada bhios tu beò, agus ceò bharr do thighe!
Long may you live, and smoke rise from your roof!
Gu ‘m ann a ghonar am fiosaiche, mu’n tig an fhiosachd fìor!
Perish the prophet, ere the prophecy come true!
Gu ma h-anmoch dhut!
May it be late to thee!
Gu ma h-olc dhut!
Ill befall thee!
Gu’m meal thu do naidheachd!
May you enjoy your news.
Innsidh ùine ‘h-uile rud.
Time tells everything.
Is aimhleasach gach nochd.
Nakedness is hurtful.
Is ann a tha ‘n càirdeas mar a chumar e.
Friendship is as it’s kept.
Is ann air a dh’éirich a’ghrian!
It is on him that the sun has risen!
Is ann air an tràgadh a rugadh e.
He was born when the tide was ebbing.
Is ann an àm a chruadail a dh’aithnichear na càirdean.
When fortune frowns then friends are known.
Is ann bèidheach ‘s cha ‘n ann dàicheil.
Bonnie rather than graceful.
Is ann da fhéin a dh’innsear e.
It’s to himself it will be told.
Is ann feasgar a dh’aithnichear na fir.
It is at evening the men are known.
Is aobhach duine ‘an taice ri’ chuid.
A man is cheerful near his own.
Is aotrom gach saoghalach sona.
Light is the lucky long-liver.
Is beag a th’eadar do ghal’s do ghàire.
Your crying and laughing are not far removed.
Is beag a ghearaineas sinn, ge mór a dh’fhuilingeas sinn.
Little we complain, though we suffer much.
Is binn béal ina thost.
A silent mouth is sweetest.
Is bràthair do Niall Gille-Colum.
Malcolm is brother to Niall.
Is buaine aon diùltadh na dà-thabhartas-dhiag.
One refusal is remembered longer than a dozen offers.
Is buaine dùthcas na oilean.
Blood is stronger than breeding.
Is càm’s is dìreach a thig an lagh.
The law comes crooked and straight.
Is caol an téud as nach seinn e.
It’s a slender string he can’t take a tune from.
Is caomh le fear a charaid’, ach ‘s e smior a chridhe a chomh-dhalt.
Dear is a kinsman, but the pith of the heart is a foster-brother.
Is cruaidh an leanabh a bhriagadh, nach urrainna ghearan a dhianamh.
It is hard to soothe the child that cannot tell its ailment.
Is dà thrian tionnsgnadh.
Begun is two-thirds done.
Is diombuan gach cas air tìr gun eòlas.
Fleeting is the foot in a strange land.
Is duine gach òirleach dheth.
He’s a man every inch.
Is e am bròn a’s fhasa fhaotainn.
Grief is easiest to get.
Is e’n dealachadh-beò a ni’n leòn goirt.
Parting with the living makes sore wound.
Is e’n Geamhradh luath an Geamhradh buan.
Early Winter lasts long.
Is e ath-thilleadh na ceathairn’ a ‘s mìosa.
The return of the reavers is the worst.
Is a deireadh gach cogaidh sìth.
The end of each war is peace.
Is fada slios na bliadhna.
The year’s length is long.
Is farsuing an rathad mór, agus faodar fhalbh.
The highway is wide, and may be trod.
Is fhad a bhà thu, ‘s luath a thàinig thu.
You are long of coming, and have come full soon.
Is fhearr cùl caraide na aghaidh coimhich.
Better back of friend than face of stranger.
Is fhuiasda fear fhaotainn do nighinn gun athair.
It is easy to get a match for a fatherless maid.
Is fuar gaoth nan coimheach.
Cold is the wind that brings strangers.
Is fuar leaba gun choimh-leapach.
Cold is the bed without bed-fellow.
Is glice an saoghal a thuigsinn na dhìteadh.
Better understand the world than condemn it.
Is gorm na cnuic ‘tha fada uainn.
Green are the hills that are far from us.
(also: Is glas iad na cnoc i bhfad uainn. Distant hills look green.)
Is i’n àilleantachd maise nam ban.
Modesty is the beauty of woman.
Is i’n oidhche ‘n oidhche, na’m b’iad na fir na fir!
The night is the night, were the men the men!
Is ioma caochla ‘thig air an t-saoghal fo cheann bliadhna.
Many changes come over the world in a year.
Is ioma car a’ tha’n saoghal a’cur dheth.
Many a turn the world takes.
Is ioma mùthadh a thig air an oidhche fhada Gheamraidh.
Many a change comes in the long winter night.
Is ioma rud a tha ‘n cuan a falach.
The ocean hides much.
Is ioma rud a th’eadar creathall agus uaigh.
Much lies between cradle and grave.
Is ioma teine mór a chaidh as.
Many a great fire has gone out.
Is ioma teine beag a bheothaichear.
Many a small fire is kindled.
Is ioma tónn a th’eadar thu ‘s tìr.
There is many a wave between thee and land.
Is ioma tónn a thig air a’ chladach mu’n tachair sin.
Many a wave will come on the shore ere that happens.
Is ionmhuinn leis gach neach a choltas.
Everyone likes his like.
Is ionnan tosd ‘us aideachadh.
Silence is consent.
Is lag greim fear an neo-shùnnt.
Weak is the grasp of the downcast.
Is mairg a chaillear ‘s an an-uair!
Alas for him who is lost in the storm!
Is maol guala gun bhràthair; is lóm an làrach gun phiuthair.
Bare is shoulder without brother; bare is home without sister.
Is math a’modh a bhi sàmhnach.
It’s good manners to be silent.
Is math an sgàthan sùil caraide.
A friend’s eye is a good looking-glass.
[Irish:] Is maith an scáthan súil charad.
Is meanmach gach moch-thrathach.
Lively is the early riser.
Is minic a bhris beál duine a shrón.
It is often that a man’s mouth broke his nose.
Is minig an fhìrinn searbh ri h-ìnnseadh.
Truth is often harsh to tell.
Is mór a dh’fhaodar a dheanamh fo làimh deadh dhuine.
Much may be done under a good man’s hand.
Is mór a dh’fhuilingeas cridhe glan mu’m brist e.
A clean heart will suffer much ere it break.
Is òg an Nollaig a’ chiad oidhche.
Christmas is young the first night.
Is prìseil a’ chas air tir.
Precious is the foot on shore.
Is sàmhach an obair dol a dholaidh.
Going to ruin is silent work.
Is sgéul eile sin.
That’s another story.
Is suarach an càirdeas a dh’fhéumas a shìor cheannach.
It’s poor friendship that must be constantly bought.
Is tréun fear an eòlais.
The man who knows is powerful.
Is tric a bha suaib-chuthaich air leanabh bodaich.
An old man’s child has often a touch of madness.
Is tróm an éire an t-aineolas.
Ignorance is a heavy burden.
Is trom an t-ualach an leisce.
Great is the burden of laziness.
Itheam, òlam, caidileam.
Let me eat, let me drink, let me sleep.
Là luain.
The moon-day [Nevermas, or the Greek Calends]
Laidhe fada air taobh tighe duin’eile.
Lying long in another man’s house.
Làmh d’athar ‘s do sheanar!
By the hand of your father and grandfather! [an insult to disregard]
Leac ‘us ùir eadar sinn!
Stone and earth divide us!
Leaghaidh am bròn an t-anam bochd.
Sorrow melts the miserable.
Léintean farsainn do na leanban òga!
Wide shirts to young bairns.
Lionn-dubh air mo chridhe.
Black humor on my heart.
Ludh an t-sneachda—‘tighinn gun sireadh , gun iarraidh.
The way of the snow, coming unsought, unasked.
Ma’s math leat sìth, càirdeas, agus cluain—éisd, faic, ‘us fuirich sàmhach.
If you wish peace, friendship, and quietness: listen, look, and be silent.
Mac mar an t-athair.
Like father, like son.
Mac màthaireil’s nìghean athaireil.
A son like the mother, and a daughter like the father.
Mar a b’umhail gu ‘m b’fhìor.
As foreseen, so has been.
Mar a’s fhearr iad, cha’n ann a’s buain’ iad.
The better they are, they live not the longer.
Meal ‘us caith e!
Enjoy and wear it!
Mhic an rath-dhorca!
Son of the moonless night!
Mhic na gréine!
Son of the sun.
Mise do chara go buan.
I’m your friend forever.
Mo chuid fhein, mo bhean fhein, ‘us “tiugainn dachaidh,” trì faclan a’s blaisde ‘th ‘ann.
My own property, my own wife, and “come home,” three of the sweetest of words.
Mo thurus dubh a thug mi ‘dh’Eirinn.
My sad journey that took me to Ireland.
Mol an latha math mu oidhche.
Praise the good day at night.
Molann an obair an fear/ an saor.
The work praises the man/ the craftsman.
Mór orm, ‘us beag agam.
Mighty to me, but little esteemed.
Na abair ach beag ‘s abair gu math e.
Say but little but say it well.
Na bi’g a shireadh ‘s ‘g a sheachnadh.
Don’t be seeking and shunning it.
Na’m b’e ‘n diugh an dé!
Had today been yesterday!
Ni cridhe subhach gnùis shuilbhir.
A glad heart makes a cheerful face.
Ní fiú tufóg mhuice é.
It’s not worth a pig’s fart.
Nior chaill fear an mhisnigh riamh.
Never lost the man of courage.
Nior chuaigh fial riamh go hIfreann.
Never went generous person to Hell.
Piseach mhath ort!
Good luch to thee!
Rathad càm thun a’ chaisteil.
A roundabout way to the castle.
Sgrìob liath an Earraich.
The gray track of Spring.
Sonas ort agus séan.
Happiness and good fortune to you.
Tha aithne gun chuimn’ agam ort.
I recognize but don’t remember you.
Tha e cho fileanta ri bàrd.
He is as fluent as a bard.
Tha e’n geall na’s fhiach e.
He is pledged for what he’s worth. [Said of one in great danger]
Tha e nis air slighe na fùinne.
He is now in the way of truth. [He is dying.]
Tha e nis air fòid na fìrinne.
He is now on the sod of truth. [He is dead.]
Tha ‘fhàgail fhéin aig gach neach.
Everyone has his fate.
Tha fios fithich agad.
You have a raven’s knowledge. [More than is natural.]
“ ‘s toigh leam thu.” “Dearbh sin.”
“I like you.” “Prove it.”
Tha’n éubh a’m’chluais; gu’n gleidheadh Dia na’s caomh leam!
The cry is in my ear; God keep all who are dear to me!
Tha rathad làimh ris an rathad mhór.
There’s another road near the highway.
Tha thu ro mhear—b’fheairrd’ thu pòsadh.
You are too merry—you ought to marry.
Thachair a bhràthair mór ris.
He has met his big brother.
Theid an t-eòlas thar a’chàirdeas.
Acquaintance goes beyond friendship.
Theid cathadh Earraich troimh bhòrd daraich.
Spring snow-drift will go through an oaken door.
Theid dùthchas an aghaidh nan creag.
Nature will withstand the rocks.
Their gach fear “Ochóin, my fhein!”
Everyone cries, “Alas for me!”
Thig Latha-Nollaig.
Christmas Day will come.
Thig math á mulad, ‘thig sonas á suaimhneas.
Good comes of sadness, and happiness from quietness.
Thoir dhomh comith.
Let me share your food.
Thoir thusa rionnag as an spéur, ‘s bheir mise nuas t’eile.
Bring you a star down from the sky, and I’ll bring another.
Thug e ‘cheann fo’n choille.
He betook him to the wood.
Thuit a dhà làimh ri’thaobh.
Both his hands fell at his sides.
Thuit an tubaist air an Dùghlas.
Mishap has fallen on the Douglas.
Toiseach teachd ‘us deireadh falbh.
First to come and last to go.
Toradh math’s a’chuid eile!
I wish you good of the remainder! [Thanks for a part]
Tosnú maith leath na hoibre.
A good start is half the job.
Tuigidh bean bean eile.
One woman understands another.
Tuigidh fear-leughaidh leth-fhacal.
A reading man will understand half a word.
Tuigidh na bailbh a chéile.
The dumb understand each other.
Urnuigh maraiche ré stoirm.
A sailor’s prayer in a storm.
Cha’n ‘eil earbsa sa bith ri ‘chur anns na h-Eileanaich.
There’s no trust to be put in the Islanders.